Confidex Windshield Label™ is specially designed for fast and reliable vehicle identification. The passive UHF RFID label is optimized to work on car windshield glass and suitable for a wide selection of automatic vehicle identification applications such as access control, parking permit, road toll collection or insurance information verification. The product is non-transferable and cannot be removed without being destroyed.
Confidex Windshield Label™ is available as ready-to-be-used in automatic vehicle identification applications. Depending on the application, Confidex offers customized RFID labels that can include:
- Full customization: surface printing, holograms, security marking
- Encoding: customer specific data, password protection, encryption
- Various delivery formats: optimized either for automatic vending machines or manual issuing processes
- Various IC’s from: NXP, Impinj, Alien

May be useful:
Confidex Windshield Label datasheet
Confidex Steelwing NXP http://tristaramericas.com/steelwing-nxp-g2xm/
HID Tapmark http://tristaramericas.com/hid-tapmark/
Confidex Survivor http://tristaramericas.com/confidexsurvivor/
HID Slimflex Tag UHF MINI http://tristaramericas.com/hid-slimflex-tag-uhf-mini/
HID Seal Tag Edtamper http://tristaramericas.com/hid-seal-tag/
HID Poly Tag http://tristaramericas.com/hid-polytag/
Confidex Ironside: http://tristaramericas.com/confidex-ironside/
Confidex Ironside Slim: http://tristaramericas.com/confidex-ironside-slim/
Confidex Ironside Micro: http://tristaramericas.com/confidex-ironside-micro/
HID Lintag UHF: http://tristaramericas.com/hid-lintag-uhf/
HID Inline tag ultra: http://tristaramericas.com/hid-inline-tag-ultra-uhf/
HID High Temperature Label: http://tristaramericas.com/hid-high-temperature-label/
Confidex Halo Tag: http://tristaramericas.com/rfid-confidex-halo/
HID Bin Tag: http://tristaramericas.com/hid-bin-tag/
HID Brick Tag: http://tristaramericas.com/rfid-brick-tag/
Confidex Captura: http://tristaramericas.com/rfid-confidex-captura/
Confidex Casey: http://tristaramericas.com/rfid-confidex-casey/
HID Epoxy tag: http://tristaramericas.com/rfid-hid-epoxy-tag/